Cline Center Historical Phoenix Event Data
Cline Center Historical Phoenix Event Data

The Cline Center Historical Phoenix Event Data covers the period 1945-2019 and includes 8.2 million events extracted from 21.2 million news stories. This data was produced using state-of-the-art PETRARCH-2 software to analyze content from the New York Times (1945-2018), the BBC Monitoring's Summary of World Broadcasts (1979-2019) and the CIA’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service (1995-2004). It documents the agents, locations, and issues at stake in a wide variety of conflict, cooperation and communicative events in the CAMEO ontology framework. The links below provide access to the event datasets, as well as meta-data for the news sources used to produce the events.
The Cline Center produced this data with the generous support of Linowes Fellow and Faculty Affiliate Prof. Dov Cohen and help from our academic and private sector collaborators in the Open Event Data Alliance (OEDA). OEDA’s daily Phoenix data—generated using an earlier version of PETRARCH and web-based news feeds—is available here.
We plan to produce enhanced data using new software to create richer, more accurate geo-location, issue and event categories and incorporate additional sources. We are also working on a paper introducing the data.
Download Cline Center Historical Phoenix Event Data here
For real-time event data please visit
- Data citation: Althaus, Scott, Joseph Bajjalieh, John F. Carter, Buddy Peyton, and Dan A. Shalmon. 2020. Cline Center Historical Phoenix Event Data. Cline Center for Advanced Social Research. v.1.3.0. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. May 4.
- Codebook citation: Althaus, Scott, Joseph Bajjalieh, John F. Carter, Buddy Peyton, and Dan A. Shalmon. 2019. "Cline Center Historical Phoenix Event Data Variable Descriptions". Cline Center Historical Phoenix Event Data. Cline Center for Advanced Social Research. v.1.2.0. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. May 4.